
Showing posts from October, 2018

My First Cycle Bar Experience

Hi everyone and Happy Tuesday! I hope everyone had a delightful weekend. My weekend consisted of getting my first blow out of the fall season, catching up on my shows, making a delicious batch of Swedish meatballs (super easy and in my crockpot) and that's about it. So basically I did nothing productive but hey, at least I'm fully rested for the work week? Last week, I was invited to take an indoor cycling class and I said why not. So on Tuesday, I took my first indoor cycling class at the Cyclebar - North Hills and let me tell you. In the first 10 minutes (it's only a 45 minute class). I was ready to QUIT. I was breathing heavy and the sweat. I had surpassed the beading forehead sweat stage and jumped straight to dripping and that's not an exaggeration. Then we slowed down and the instructor said "that was a great warm -up". Y'all, I was ready to get off the bike and walk out the class but it was fixed so that I was directly in the middle and every bi...

Welcome to Daily Dash of Danielle!

Hi everyone and Happy Fri-Yay! This is the first official blog post for Daily Dash of Danielle. I apologize that it has taken me so long to get the first post up. I hope to be more consistent once things slow down. This has been a busy week at work for me and also the last week of two of my classes. But to get us started, I wanted to share a little about myself first. I want to share a few things about myself before hopping right into the fun stuff. This is my second attempt at blogging but my first attempt at a personal/lifestyle blog. I always have a lot to say, I love to write, and have been told that I would be a great blogger so I thought why not. My first blog was a food blog and if you know me, you know that I love a good meal, cooking, and trying new recipes. My first blog was called dinnerwithdanielle and while I loved writing it, it just seemed to be that I didn't have enough time to try all the recipes I wanted. Let alone write about it. So food will definitely be...