New Year, New Beginnings

Happy Friday Followers!

There's 3 days until the new year which means that everyone is talking about their New Years resolution/resolutions. I'm not big on New Years Resolutions because I can never seem to follow through on them so this year I am trying to the word of the year challenge.

I was researching the one word challenge and came across Mountain Modern Life - which is a blog that I can across when trying to find the perfect word of the year. They had an interesting post that offered 5 tips for choosing a word of the year. I found these tips to be incredibly useful when trying to decide on my word of the year so I decided to share them.

1. Reflect on the past year of life. Ask yourself these questions and right down whatever comes to mind without self-editing.
-what could I use more of in my life?
-what could I use less of in my life?
-what characteristics would I like to have?
-by the end of the day I fell _____(fill in the blank).
-how do I want to feel?
2. Visualize.  Try sitting or meditating in silence while pondering the question "what would do I want to focus on in 2019?"
3. Create a list. Spend about 5-10 minutes writing down all the words that come to mind.
4. Review and Refine. Review the list you just created and circle the top three words on the list.
5. Ask yourself this question. Are you interested, or are you committed? According to Mountain Modern Life. "If you're merely interested then chances are you'll make excuses as to why you're not putting forth effort to actually make changes. But if you're committed to your word, you'll do whatever it takes to implement that word and bring more of it into your life".

Feel free to check out their post right here:

With that being said, my word of the year is going to be embrace.

1. an act of holding someone closely in one's arms.
2. an act of accepting or supporting something willingly or enthusiastically

I chose embrace because it can be applied to my life both personally and professionally.

Embracing Business Ideas

While new my blog has brought me a lot of joy and it has given me a creative outlet. Not only that but it has rekindle my love for creating. So there will be more DIY crafts and projects on the blog. Not only that but I have been researching how I run my blog better, write about things that my followers want to hear about, and I have come up with some great ideas that I plan on embracing in 2019.
Embracing Life
I am a creature of habit my nature and usually try to stick to my plan. Next year, my only plan is to  I embrace the opportunities that are thrown my. New opportunities for work, travel, networking, and meeting people. You name it, I'll be there.

Personal Embrace
I will embrace myself by making time for me and to do the things that I want and like to do. I have been so busy over the last year with working full-time, being in school full-time, and trying to have a somewhat of a social life that it seems that I forgot to take care of the most important thing - me. I plan on embracing myself and taking time for myself - even if it's to do nothing but watch re-runs of mu favorite shows.

Anyone interested in trying the one word challenge/ word of the year challenge? I would love to hear what word you chose.

Until next time (I am hoping to have another post before the new year so hopefully next time is soon),
