New Year, New Beginnings
Happy Friday Followers! There's 3 days until the new year which means that everyone is talking about their New Years resolution/resolutions. I'm not big on New Years Resolutions because I can never seem to follow through on them so this year I am trying to the word of the year challenge. I was researching the one word challenge and came across Mountain Modern Life - which is a blog that I can across when trying to find the perfect word of the year. They had an interesting post that offered 5 tips for choosing a word of the year. I found these tips to be incredibly useful when trying to decide on my word of the year so I decided to share them. 1. Reflect on the past year of life. Ask yourself these questions and right down whatever comes to mind without self-editing. -what could I use more of in my life? -what could I use less of in my life? -what characteristics would I like to have? -by the end of the day I fell _____(fill in the blank). -how do I want to feel? 2...